
Review and Swatches: “Touche Éclat Radiant Touch” by Yves Saint Laurent ♥

Hey everyone!

As the 20 year anniversary rolls around, today I figured I would talk about the ever so famous “Touche Éclat Radiant Touch” by Yves Saint Laurent. The Touche Éclat Radiant Touch is a complexion highlighter that *is supposed* to help conceal the signs of fatigue, sculpt and highlight your face, refresh your eyes and enhance your smile.

First let’s start off with the packaging. With a whopping price of around $57 CAD at Sephora stores for only 2.5mL of product, it’s no surprised that it looks very posh and luxurious. It is a golden metal pen like product that comes with a lid. It has the classic “YSL” logo carved into the top of the lid and has minimal delicate black writing on it. The back of the pen had a black button that you can push for product to come outside from the brush tip applicator. The fact that the product is in a pen like container with a brush tip applicator makes it super convenient and travel friendly.

YSL logo

writing on the pen
The Touche Éclat Radiant Touch by Yves Saint Laurent comes in a large variety of colours. Unlike many popular products the Touche Éclat actually has shades for women of darker skin tones. I`m in the shade number “5” and it’s actually the perfect match for my face.

I use the brush tip to place the product on my face where I need it and use my fingers or another brush to smooth it in.

Like I mentioned before the Touche Éclat pen has four main uses (help conceal the signs of fatigue, sculpt and highlight your face, refresh your eyes and enhance your smile). Personally I don’t feel like it does any of the things it’s supposed to do outstandingly. It’s really nothing special. I really only think it’s good for concealing under your eyes because it does not look cakey and it has an easy bendable consistency. There are so many products that are out there that are so much cheaper than can do so much more for your face that the Touche Éclat. I don’t hate using this but once it is over I definitely will not repurchase it and I do not recommend it.


no product

product applied onto arm

product blended out on arm

stay fabulous!

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