
Scaddabush Italian Kitchen & Bar (Scarborough Town Centre) ♥

Back at it again, no white Vans though. So what’s new people? Well of course besides Pokemon GO taking over Toronto, and the rest of the world, and my favourite chain restaurant, Scaddabush, opening up in Scarbs! What what!... Yes, that was a Central Intelligence (2016) reference haha, those of you who watched it will know okay haha.

Anyways back to Scaddabush! It finally opened up yesterday beside Jack Astor’s at Scarborough Town Centre and of course my girlpal and I had to get our fix. We went for a late lunch and though they had a beautiful patio set up we of course we sat inside considering the 37 °C heat…not about that life.

Let me start off with the service, which was amazing. Our waiter Anthony was really attentive and seemed extremely happy to help. I’ll even mention that we asked another server to grab us something and she immediately got on it without saying she was going to grab our table waiter. I mention this because though I know nothing about service zoning, usually chain restaurants assign waiters to tables and the servers only work their own area. The manager even came by, checked on us at the end of our meal, and invited us back. I mean yes they are just probably on top of everything because the place recently opened, but still the staff seemed genuine.
Bumba Burrata
Now on to the food! As we came before 5pm, which is when they start making the fresh cheeses #bless, I was kind of bummed that they might not have any made, but fortunately we were happy to hear our waiter was able to “pull some strings” and hook us up. So yeah, we started with the Bomba Burrata. If you haven’t had burrata cheese, you’re missing out on one of the best aspects of life and possibly my favourite cheese. It is a mozzarella solid shell, usually in a ball shape, with a creamy mozzarella and a cream concoction inside... I believe the correct term for this concoction is stracciatella di bufala cheese. The Bomba Burrata was served with a spicy roasted tomato and chili ragu, fresh basil, double-smoked bacon (which I omitted), extra virgin olive oil, chili flakes, and foccaccia crostinis. While I personally like the sweet and simple flavours of the plain Burrata dish Scaddabush offers, I definitely cannot say this version was a disappointment, far from actually. You must try either one, or both :P.
Calamari Fritti
The next appetizer or “Sociable”, as they like to call it, we ordered was the Calamari Fritti. You all know how much I LOVE deep fried calamari and this version is just another dish I can add to my every going list of amazing calamari. Perfectly crispy and served with a salsa verde aioli, aka herb salsa mayo sauce, and a fresh tomato chili dip. Simply delish!
Lobster Spaghetti
For my main I got the Lobster Spaghetti, of course with extra poor mans parmesan, man I love that stuff! For those of you who are like ‘hmm why not actual parmesan?’, well of course I got a dusting of that too but why not cease the moment and add more flavoured fried bread crumbs to your pasta when the opportunity is presented. Carbs on carbs on carbs, how could you really go wrong with that, right? Anyways, the lobster in the pasta was perfectly cooked and surprisingly abundant! And I don’t even have to mention the scrumptiousness of the freshly homemade pasta cooked to al dente-perfection. Oh I did ask and added a bit of salt but overall I have to say I think I like the Scarborough locations Lobster Spaghetti better than the Downtown one! Dun, dun dun!!!

While I can’t say that this restaurant, or any Scaddabush location for that matter, is at the same price point as other chain restaurants, for a guaranteed fun day out with good food and company I would for sure recommend it!


“The secret ingredient is always cheese” ~Unknown

*Zomato Link Coming Up*

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