
All You Can Eat at Spring Rolls Fairview Mall (Sheppard Avenue East and Don Mills Road) ♥

Hey people… Be right back while I recover from my food coma…

It all started when my friend was craving Tom Yum soup so the only logical thing to do was to get some, obvi. We ended up going to Spring Rolls at Fairview Mall and good thing we did because my mom also broke my beautiful Rose Gold Drop Bottle and some emotional binge eating was in order haha. I mean everything does happen for a reason, right ;)? And not to mention I was starving as I was running late initially getting there. The traffic was crazy on Sheppard passing Victoria Park to Don Mills station. I was literally on the bus for about 45 minutes on that stretch before I just asked to get off and walked.

Anyways we decided to go with the All You Can Eat menu and while we’ve been here many times before, I can definitely say something that’s consistent is how inconsistent the food on the All You Can Eat menu is. Today luckily the dishes we got were comparatively better than certain times but still overall not the best food.

Cheese Dumplings and Thai Fish Cakes
We first had the Thai Fish Cakes which were pretty good. They had an interesting texture, kind of rubbery, but the flavour was there. They were served with some Thai chilli sweet sauce.

Something that is a must try at Spring Rolls is their Cheese Dumplings. They’re perfectly fried crispy wonton wrappers filled with cream cheese and crab meat served with a raspberry dipping sauce. If you ever go for all you can eat just go ahead and order like 6 portions of them because believe me the Cheese Dumplings are basically the best things on the menu! You probably wont be able to stop eating them.

Kimchi Sweet Potato Fries and Spring Rolls Garden Salad
The Kimchi Sweet Potato Fries were a nice mashup. I mean it’s not everyday you eat sweet potato fries with kimchi. The fries were totally crispy and the mayo sauce drizzled on top brought an enjoyable sweet balance.

Don’t really have much to say about the Spring Rolls Garden Salad, it contained lettuce and cherry tomatoes with seaweed on top and a ginger vinaigrette. Pretty meh, moving on.

Tom Yum Soup and Spicy Salmon Roll
I also ordered the soup of the day, which is literally ALWAYS Tom Yum Soup. I seriously question if they understand the concept of what an item of the day is because there hasn't been one time I've been where the soup of the day wasn't Tom Yum, and mind you I used to work in this mall so I've went quite often. The flavours were extremely disappointing today. Though it did have a decent sour note throughout I just didn’t get any other attribute. Where’s the lemongrass, chili, fish sauce, galangal, etc.? They also served the soup in ramekins. Now I’m not a nitpicky person but seriously if you’re a decent establishment you should know not serve soup in a dish used exclusively for baking things, so strange…

Surprisingly the sushi we ordered today was actually really good. Usually the rice is super mushy and the ingredients inside are flavourless but for some strange reason that wasn’t the case today! Maybe they changed the sushi chef or something because I was expecting something terrible. We tried the Spicy Salmon Roll and Spicy Tuna Roll which both had really great fresh sashimi fish, chili sauce and tempura bits inside and they were absolutely DELICIOUS! I just wish I had the stomach to eat more sushi at dinner. 

Sizzling Seafood Platter
Probably the worst dish of the night was the Sizzling Seafood Platter! It was a mix of imitation crab, calamari rings, shrimp, mushrooms, snap peas, carrots and onions tossed in the worlds blandest teriyaki sauce. The calamari were also prepared with the poorest technique I’ve ever eaten, so chewy and even hard to bite through. Though the sizzling cast iron plate was an enthusing touch, and it’s always exciting at any restaurant when they bring action along with the food but if the taste sucks it’s a huge letdown. Not even salt could have saved this dish. Flavour was needed on every front and we just left majority of it after trying some.

Shrimp Bites, Edamame, Spicy Salmon Roll
The Edamame was ridiculously dry. I don’t know how someone ruins edamame when you basically just boil it and toss it in salt and pepper but BREAKING NEWS it was managed tonight at Spring Rolls for the first time ever.

From their special holiday menu, I also tried the Shrimp Bites which were served with a Sriracha mayo. My friend and I both agreed that the shrimp were over breaded and tasted mediocre. You could  probably get frozen breaded shrimp, fry it yourself then take some mayo and Sriracha sauce and mix it and have the same dish basically.

Oreo Mousse and Vanilla Raspberry Mousse
Chocolate Brownie Bite
Lastly I tried some of their mousse for dessert and a single Brownie Bite. The mousse comes in shot glasses so surely order like 3 different ones to have a sufficient amount of dessert. I got the Oreo, with chocolate and vanilla mouse and cookie crumbs on top, and the Raspberry Vanilla which was vanilla mousse and raspberry sauce on top. Both types of mousse were quite delicious. The Brownie Bite was however super lame. The Hershey’s chocolate on the bottom was of course good but the actual brownie part was really fudgy and didn’t even seem baked.

On to the service... The restaurant was super packed but that’s no excuse for the service lacking big time. Forget the tardiness but the server was actually MIA half the time, gave us attitude throughout the meal, and even forget two of the items we ordered. My friend and I even discussed that we were only going to give the waiter a $2 tip each. We’re pretty generous tippers but I strongly believe that tipping should be based on the service provided. But anyways considering I ate enough to feed a whole army the food was for sure passable but like I suggested before not the best thing ever. On the bright side, tonight was a nice catch up with my friend nevertheless :)!


Spring Rolls Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

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